To magnify the name of God by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; bringing people into the family of God and developing mature Christians for ministry.
The Church must:
Exalt the Savior
Psalm 24:1-3
Edify the Saints
Ephesians 4:11-16
Evangelize the Sinners
Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus: Is Our Message
Jesus is our message for all seasons, at all times, to all people.
John 14:6
John 14:6
People: Are Our Heart
Our heart is for all people. We share the love of Jesus Christ to everyone.
You are welcome here.
Matthew 22:39
You are welcome here.
Matthew 22:39
Generosity: Is Our Way Of Life
Everything we have and own is a gift from God. We believe offering our time, talent, and treasure to our local church is our gift back to God.
Luke 6:38
Luke 6:38
Excellence: Is Our Spirit
We always do the best with what we have. We’re on time, engaged, and prepared. We don’t do things half way. Whatever we do, it’s to the best of our ability.
Daniel 6:3
Daniel 6:3
Servant Leadership: Is Our Identity
Jesus is our model for servant leadership. He led by serving others. Every role is different, but each is important and valuable.
John 13:15
John 13:15
Honor: Is Our Calling
We are vocal with our honor; meaning, we are not stingy with our words. We choose joyfully to submit to those God has placed over us. We honor and care for those God has placed under us.
Romans 13:7
Romans 13:7
The Holy Spirit: Is Our Guide
We unapologetically rely on the leading and empowerment of God’s spirit in all matters related to His church and this life.
John 16:13
John 16:13
Prayer: Is Our Hallmark
We know God is in control, and in every little detail He is close. Prayer keeps us connected to Jesus who is our source.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
1 Thessalonians 5:17